Influence Matrix

Influence Matrix

To move beyond superficial and misleading metrics typically cited (such as followers count or engagement), we focus on identifying and combining data that reveals genuine charisma, legitimacy within communities, and the potential for influence and growth.

We have developed an algorithm that factors in multiple metrics, reflecting the relationships between an opinion leader and their community.

This "leadership equation" enables us to establish an influencer typology, characterize it precisely, and measure its evolution.

Usage and applications

    Identifying emerging opinion leaders, accelerating influence, and bringing to light overlooked influencers
    Rationalizing the prescribing power within an evaluation matrix and assessing the potential for long-term influence
    Monitoring thematic and community-based families, categorized according to the influence levers that define their specific role and power among particular audiences


  • Proprietary algorithm factoring in legitimacy, popularity, and organic growth
  • Measuring and detecting acceleration in influence
  • Network analysis: Mapping the most engaging public actors in debates and identifying their relational capital using the Louvain method